Tuesday 1 November 2011

Step aside Delia (and James Herriott)

Definitely going to get organised for Christmas this year. Last year was not helped by a month of snow, leading to us being confined to quarters, so this time I'm starting early. Today's task, bake a Christmas cake. Ingredients bought and recipe to be followed, after all how hard can it be ? People do it all the time, and Great British Bake Off looked great fun and I can look Mumsy too.

                                           Should it look like this ?

While it was cooking in the oven H flew into the kitchen "Furrgall's dead !! He's lying behind the hay in the barn !!" I rushed outside, we hadn't seen the little fella this morning and conclusions had been jumped to.

                                               Reports of my demise.....etc

It's just as well H is not a vet, he was just having a snooze.  Back to the Kitchen for the great unveiling and then to get the cake out of the oven, dad dum tish.

                                            Well hmmmmm, maybe it will taste nice.

There will be no blog tomorrow as it is a big day for Housemate and curry and champagne is in the offing