Friday, 9 December 2011

World domination and a nice blanket

As Christmas approaches the weather starts to get colder. The horses have rugs to keep them warm,the cats snuggle up amongst the hay bales but what can a fashionable pooch wear to keep the chill out ? Until now Darcy Brummell has had to rely on his extensive knitwear collection but things have looked up since last weekend. As you may recall the Mother in law visited the cottage a month or so ago, during the visit she befriended Darcy and always asks after him when she phones. She was so concerned about his comfort that she got together with the Nice Old Ladies of Mid Devon to come up with a simple yet stylish solution.

                                            Le Blankie.       (Good grief)

                                                 "Mmmmm  comfy"

By the way I have never had so much as a scarf. Needless to say it has brought snorts of derision from DJ and Ari who are more convinced than ever about the onset of Southern Softiness emanating from the Housemate portion of the house.

 Ari is too tough to wear any form of clothing. DJ the wise woman swears by draughts from the magic cauldron of Hopton Cangeford.This,apparently, fabled item has the power to infer power and wealth ( and heating.) She tells me that she majicked this cauldron from the clutches of the Archimandrake of Clee St Margaret and when she has mastered all it's powers she will launch her quest to be the Mistress of all the Bonios.

                          "One day all this will be mine, all mine ,heh heh heh"

      To be honest I think that she's starting to lose her marbles