As has been stated the weather has taken a turn for the winterish. On nights like this we all sit around the logburner watching TV (living the life) and despite yourself you get dragged in to watching things that if you had a life you would avoid. Masterchef has fitted the bill for a few weeks. We have now given up shouting "You're only cooking a meal for goodness sake" at the screen. Darcy, in particular has become obsessed with it. Enthused by this he disappeared to the kitchen area and returned with his signature dish. Entrecote de Bonio seved with cloudburst jus and organic furious rice.
That'll be £35 Thank You.
DJ Gandalf and her sidekick Ari Baggins set forth on their epic quest this week to search for the aforementioned mythical chewstick. After days of journeying towards the setting sun and defeating the Nasty Gamekeeper of Hopton Cangeford and the swamps of Stoat Corner they finally found the entrance to the underworld
" Follow me my brave hound and soon we will have the riches of the world"
Clearly what they discovered was not what they were expecting and they headed back to base.
"Run away Run away"