Sunday, 11 December 2011

The teleported Horse

This is Ptracci (the P is silent) she is our youngest resident and is a boisterous teenager, in horse years anyway.
                                          "What ?...What?"

Like all youngsters fun is high on her agenda, this is a bit unfortunate as she shares a field with a load of miseable old geldings for whom fun is low on the agenda. Carly does come and play with her a bit but she, quite rightly, suspects his motives.

               "Well hello there, What's a young sweetie like you doing in the field ?"
                                 You have to imagine a Leslie Phillips voice there

. Anyway things can be a bit dull for her so she has started to develop the power to open gates with her mouth. Yesterday she excelled herself. it was around tea time and we were getting the feeds sorted when I went into the barn to feed the cats and Ptracci was tucking into a haynet (See above). I thought little more of it until I asked H and Housemate if the other horses were to be brought in to join her. The upshot being that she wasn't in the barn as no one had let her in. A stroll over revealed that I wasn't going mad. How did this happen ? There was a bit of a kerfuffle in the top field and we saw that Rooster had his High viz jacket on and was holding everyone back.

                            The gate in question (after it had been repaired)

The gate had been taken off it's hinges and clearly Ptracci had nipped out to go and stuff herself. We have not yet been able to determine the vandal. She may not have done the deed but was quickest to take advantage of it.

Now we all laughed at DJ's" supernatural" powers but this morning when I went to take her for her stroll she was lying on a comfy bed. No idea where it had come from.

Tomorrow she explores the underworld in the search for the Chewstick of Thrangorr