Friday, 30 December 2011

Is it time to get up yet ?

Last night Housemate was out visiting leaving Darcy to our tender mercies. He was put upstairs with a bonio at bedtime and shortly after H and I turned in. I was woken by my beloved at 1.22 teliing me that she could hear Darcy moving around and perhaps he wanted to go out, (not sure why I needed to know this). Nothing would do but to get up and let him out. He came bouncing back in wide awake a couple of minutes later so I took him back upstairs, as I returned he shot back past me down the stairs clearly in the mood for a game. because it was daft o clock I, foolishly , let him come into the bedroom where he leapt on the bed, on being evicted from there he fidgeted and sighed for half an hour on the floor before nodding off and starting to snore.

I can't sleep
Imagine a clock's hands moving on to 5.17. I am suddenly aware of a strange noise in my ear, he is now sat next to me on the bed having a good scratch. No choice this time and he frog marched up to his quarters. Housemate is away again tonight and if there is any repeat he will be out in a stable. he has been warned.

Great Expectations hurried to it's end last night. Estella was not as I imagined her, she was probably still puzzled by the fact that Pip was prettier than her. In a change to advertised plotting Pip didn't go back to save Miss Havisham from the fire (it was her voice that stopped him, it would have stopped anyone). Plus the fact that you couldn't let anything that wooden near a naked flame. (Thanks Debs). Biggest cheer of the night was when the grey horse stove in the head of the evil Bentley, you can abuse a woman but not a horse apparently. It was beautifully shot and showed that the beeb can still be trusted to serve up a great classic serial. More please.