Saturday, 24 December 2011

Bah Humbug

I was wading through the quagmire that masquerades as a field when I came across Kavi who was looking even more doleful than usual. "What's up mate ?" I asked him "Nothing" he sighed. "Come on ,cheer up tell me " I persisted. "Well it's just that Christmas is coming and what with sharing the field with all those Arab horses, who don't celebrate Christmas it all feels at bit flat". I could appreciate his sadness but what to do ?

I went over to the dogs' lair and explained to them. DJ, who had just finished her Christmas shopping for her nephew Gershwin (she bought him half a mushroom and a stone shaped like a stone), immediately donned her Whitsun antlers and romped over to the stable.

                                             Here comes the Easter doggy

She and Ari set to the great Stable makeover so that when Kavi returned his stable was a grotto to rival that in Selfridges

                                               A winter Wonderland

Joined by Darcy they got the Christmas lantern and sat outside his stable to serenade him with such festive delights as "Bark the herald angels sing" and "Waggytail of New York". It has to be said that they made up in enthusiasm what they lacked in tunefulness.  They were about to launch into the "Howl and the Pussycat (feat. Furrgall) " when he decided that he had had enough.

                             "Shut up Shut up, put me back in the field pleeeease"

As it is Christmas eve it is time to unveil the Christmas cake (see November 1st). As H said "I'm sure that it will taste lovely"

                                         Merry Christmas from all at Barns Cottage.