People have been asking how DJ's training is going in her bid to become the smelliest pooch to win gold at the doggy olympics. I'm pleased to report that she has been working hard and dropped at least a couple of ounces. The eagle eyed amongst you will spot a rejuvenated Ari doing his fabled impression of Didier Drogba claiming a foul at the end. Note the speed, grace and ear-flappingness, she must be nailed on for gold.
Last night's TV was dominated by the C4 documentary on the racehorse where one was dissected to show the biomechanics . As you would expect this happened in glorious technicolour as we were eating tea, no problem to me or Housemate no 1 but the distaff side does not eat meat and was forced to finish her homemade Apple and Blackberry crumble with her eyes shut. Darcy thought it was an advert for an all you can eat buffet, horrid hound.. The size of the horse's lungs and the fact that they can breathe in and out up to 140 times a minute was breathtaking (see what I did there?)
Talking of racehorses, you could do a lot worse than watch Paul Nicholls comments via this link
Apart from some decent insights, if you are not interested in racing there is some footage of wonderful looking horses. paul has been champion trainer for the last few years so knows what he is talking about.
Today's tip is a longshot
Devotion to Duty in the 5.20 at Perth. It was 16/1 this morning and is a good each way bet.
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