Sunday, 18 September 2011

Har Har me hearties

Yesterday was National Talk Like a Pirate day (you didn't know?) so Ari and I were sat on the step behind the barn overlooking the paddock. Ari was telling me that in his opinion Pirates were the first communists, in as much as they redistributed wealth, usually from the haughty Dons to the workers. I agreed up to a point, certainly they were the first to use the Red Flag (Jolly Roger) as their symbol, and was about to accuse him of Trotskyite tendancies when he asked to be excused as duty called.

He had seen Sharkey the cat walking up the field and was duty bound to chase her, she heard him puffing downn the paddock toward her, sidestepped him and jumped onto the post and rail fence. We were now in the classic standoff position with her staring disdainfully down at him and he quivering with canine agression on the ground.

Enter Carly, he strolled along the field until he was level with Sharkey, he paused while she nuzzled his nose, aaahhh, he then nudged her off the fence towards the slavering jaws of her nemesis, I leapt to my feet hoping to stop a tragedy but she was just able to cling on to the bottom rail and nimbly nipped away from the disappointed mutt.

                                       Is this the face of a trouble maker ?

I'm sure he winked at Ari before wandering off to join his mates.

Two things to be happy about today; the second series of Downton Abbey on the TV, where the landed classes are always nice, and the return of jump racing.

Today's tip:
Castlerock in the 4.20 at Uttoxeter. Ridden by the mighty AP McCoy and only just touched off last time out by Simon Earle's talented Red Not Blue he is available at 5/2.