Friday, 16 September 2011

The great Tomato famine of 2011

Nice plants

Barns Cottage might be described as somewhat spartan in appearence, and therefore earlier this spring it was decided to cheer the place up a bit with a few pots and planters. Housemate number one's mother has the greenest of fingers and she duly supplied us with a large number of plants. Most of these have been splendid. However we were all particularly excited by the tomato plants.

Visions of Tomato laden celebrations kept us going through the long summer days. The plants played their part in the early stages growing like small Triffids and even producing some green fruits/veg at the end of July.
Every day I went out to inspect them, beating the dogs off and watering them profusely, the toms stayed resolutely green. I moved them around so that they enjoyed the sun all day, greenness abounded, fed them with a specialist plant feed, if anything a bit greener and even put a banana at the base of the plants. This led to a furhter increase in greenness. The final straw, probably green, came last weekend when the strong winds flattened the b**ds.

For those of you viewing this in black and white, imagine green.

Please do not send me any recipes for Green Toamato chutney as I made some two years ago and am still trying to get rid of it.

Today me and she who is obeyed went to take a trip on the Severn Valley Steam Railway.

 Whilst waiting for the train on Kiddeminster station we were entertained on the platform by some very talented local violinists. Not sure why the Kiddiefiddlers are not more famous. (Copyright HMN 2011). Badum tish.