Sunday, 25 September 2011

Fetch the ball

DJ's training for the doggy olympics has shown that she is not yet ready for the 100metres. So we decided to go for event number two; the Ball retrieval grand prix.

So off we went with Ari into the yard to practice. Ari picked the idea up quickly and as I threw the ball he shot off to retrieve it, we repeated the act, off he went again with DJ sitting next to me barking encouragement. Ari soon realised that this was a prima facie case of the proleteriat being abused by the petit bougeoisie, as he was doing all the work for no reward. off he went to find a cat to terrorise.

OK DJ,' you've seen what to do.'.
 "Yes fetch the ball fetch the ball"
 I lobbed the ball across the yard and off DJ right angles to where the ball went.
"Where's the ball where's the ball" she said. I retrieved it and came back to the start.
 'Ready this time ?' "Yes fetch the ball fetch the ball". Off went the ball and off went DJ in the wrong direction again.
 We spent half an hour with me gently lobbing the ball and DJ romping off in random directions.

Eventually she stood still and I gently threw the ball to her, she watched it bounce gently past her like a Sunday league goalkeeper. The second time, it landed in her mouth "I got the ball I got the ball" was her muffled bark as she lolloped towards me, unfortunately the ball must have unbalnced her and she tripped over and ended up lying on the ball."Where's the ball gone" she seemed to say.
 Time to try another event I think.
                                  A rare shot of DJ and the ball in close proximity.

The eagle eyed among you will have spotted the rampant greenness of the tomato plant in the background. This is because I harvested three red ones yesterday. A feast !!

My tip yesterday ran brilliantly and if the race had been 2 miles we would have collected, sadly it was 2miles and one furlong and by the time the, not very aptly named, Bullet Man arrived at the finishing post the caretaker was locking up.
 There is no jump racing today so the bookies will have to go short.