Sunday, 11 September 2011

Medical report

Carly said that going out for a hack in the rain was a bad idea but number 1 wife and housemate insisted. Sadly Ged (aging but game endurance horse) and housemate slipped when entering stubble field for a canter. (See my previous post about unguarded fields.)  Both came down and limped back into the yard feeling a little sorry for themselves. This morning they are both a bit stiff, the one after a night in the field the other dosing herself with cider and takeout pizza (not available on NHS sadly).

Talking of horse accidents top jockey Ruby Walsh returns to action today at Listowel in Ireland. In the last 18 months he has suffered from a broken arm, a broken leg and a crushed vertebrae in his neck. The very fact that he even wants to see a horse again leaves me in awe. I hope his luck changes and that he and Kauto Star can have one last hurrah this season.

Talking of bravery, and indeed exponentially upping the stakes today cannot go by without remembering the tragic events in New York 10 years ago. Particularly the 343 firemen who lost their lives that terrible day. I was a fireman myself at the time and we all used to shake our heads at American firemens' gung ho attitude and slapdash approach to firefighting, which explained their awful death rate. But on this occasion you could only be humbled by their bravery and we all prayed that we would never be in such a dreadful situation.

A sombre end to today's blog. Tomorrow we will meet some more characters from the yard, the boulavardier cat and the savage, socialist guard dog.

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