What a beautiful day it was today. As soon as breakfast was finished Kavi and Carly were tacked up and off we set for a lovely hack through the estate. As we went on to the Green we had to pick our way through all the cute lambs. After a few yards we realised that Carly had picked up a bit of a following.
I suppose that it only when you take a close look at his white and fluffiness that you can see that impressionable young lambs might take him for some kind of Super Sheep creature and want to follow him. Thankfully after a few yards they realised their error. Carly looked a bit disappointed, he clearly saw himself as an ovine Pied Piper.
Tomorrow is my father's birthday and, leaving it to the last moment as I usually do, I went into town to buy him a card. I walked into the "Card Shop" and was perusing the shelves when the lady behind the counter said "Are you looking for a card". This is in the Card Shop that sells cards, and only cards. I resisted the urge to be smart and agreed that this was the point of my visit. "Any particular type of card love ?" It's getting harder but I maintained my niceness. I told her that it was a birthday card for my father. She suggested that I tried the section that was for Fathers, the one I was standing in front of. A few seconds later we were agreeing that there were a lot of cards there. "What sort of thing is he into ?" she enquired.
They didn't have any cards with large breasted women on them.
I'm sorry that the blogs are becoming more infrequent but part of the reason is the start of the Endurance season and my services are required by H and Rooster to assist them. Yesterday we were off to some Godforsaken forest on top of a hill in Wales. I was given my instructions as they set off for a 25 mile event. "Meet us at X and Y with water for Rooster and drinks for me" The first meeting went without a hitch but after then, and I am writing this next to Ari and DJ in their doggy abode, I decided not to bother to go to the second rendezvous but go straight back to the venue. I might have got away with it had I not settled down on the chair and nodded of. I was rudely woken by a serious nudgimg from an irate, and thirsty Rooster. "How many pumps ?" I said, giving the game away . (I thought that I was back in the Fire Service and the alarm had gone off and I was needed to go on a shout).
"No I don't want a bite of your chewstick Ari"