Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Getting Rich The Scotty Way

This fine looking creature is called Nivver Bae and he is the apple of the up and coming trainer's eye. He is pictured enjoying the evening sun in the paddock next to the house.And that is the problem as far as Ari is concerned. Having been banned from all the things that he formerly enjoyed; spouting Socialist doctrine, biting posh people (bye the bye anyone who has the Sky channel Blighty can look for the re run of Who Do You Think You are featuring Alexander Armstrong in which Downton and Cruella feature) and chasing cats, he has decided to take over from me as a betting guru.

Sounds unlikely I know, but he cannot be any worse than me. Anyway Nivver Bae has been entered at Cheltenham and Stratford next month and Ari has been saving up his chewsticks, he tried to interest DJ in the scheme with predictable results.

                         "You don't get a physique like this by cutting back on basics "

Ari is worried about Nivver Bae's fitness for the race, and as he has invested heavily ante-post he decided to take matters into his own paws. He nipped into the paddock barking furiously at the poor horse like some demented Duncan Norvelle (one for older readers there) until he was chased five or six times round by the understandably irate equine. Don't tell the up and coming for goodness sake.

Furrgal is making slow recovery from his injuries and is bravely limping around the yard. He has lost a bit of condition and so we have lashed out on Catfood Pouches to feed him up a bit. We put them in his bowl and he laps them up. The problem is that Sharkey has got wind of this and comes racing into the barn to get her share, it takes three of us to hold her back so that Furrgall can get his supply. Our other patient ,Kavi ,still has a scabby head but has returned to his normal morose self.