We've been having a few problems with the central heating boiler here recently. After the normal wait of a couple of weeks the heating engineers arrived yesterday for some maintenance work. Darcy was upstairs having an afternoon snooze when they arrived and was unaware of their presence for quite some time. We were all out on the yard doing horse related activities and left the blokes to get on with their work in the ute room.
Savage Guard Dog
When we returned to have a cup of tea Darcy bounded up to us shouting "There's people in the house, look out !!" We just ignored him. A minute or two later one of the blokes walked through the kitchen, Darcy said "Look ! There he is look!!" He couldn't understand why we seemed so unconcerned.
Next Sunday our lovelyneice is running a half marathon, yes we were surprised when she told us, having not shown a vast amount of athletic prowess for most of her life, (sorry). She is fundraising for Bliss, this really important charity has given her the spur to put on her trainers and put herself through a rigorous training regime.
So, if the chancellor has left you any money please visit the above and donate whatever you can, even a couple of quid will make a difference. As a special reward, anyone who donates from the Kaviclan will receive, free and gratis, an undertaking from Ari that he will not bite you should you call at BC.
"I'll be your mate"