Thursday, 8 March 2012

Emergency Ward 10

There have been a couple of sad events happening in the last couple of days here at BC. As I reported earlier in the week Furrgall is a bit lame, although it has to be said that his lameness has moved from his front leg to his back leg. He has been given a sick bay up in the rug loft and twice a day we trek up the steep staircase to ensure that he is recovering I will keep you informed. Meanwhile there has been a worrying number of cats from the district trying to move in on his manor. We've tried to chase them off but they are persistent. Although I would hate to hurt anything , Ari may have to be set loose to drive them off if Furrgall does not get back on his paws soon

 To add to the list of injured, poor Kavi got his head jammed in the horse walker this morning. I say got his head jammed, it was the fault of his stupid dad, Kavis ex mate as I am now. It just goes to show that a moment's lack of thought can lead to unfortunate circumstances. Thankfully he is a sensible lad and didn't panic so I was able to lift his head up over the side of the contraption.  Apart from a few scrapes he appears to be alright. A few days sick leave is on the agenda for him now.

                                           The two patients in happier times.

There was nearly a third casualty when the Lord of the Manor paid a brief visit last night. Ari cocked an ear to the well modulated Eton and Cambridge tones before hurtling across the yard frantically trying to tear his muzzle off to land a telling bite for the downtrodden masses.

 Thankfully H grabbed his collar (Ari's that is) before the rent was doubled following the inevitable toff mastication that would have ensued. Disappointed but still unbowed  the muzzled Mutt was sufficiently scary to bring on an unexpected selection of reels from Riverdance as he menaced another victim who was innocently going about her business on the yard.

                                        The dog with less than three friends