Friday, 17 February 2012

Tally Ho

Yesterday was the last hurrah of the Fox Bothering season and from first light the yard was full of Hugos, Jaspers and Camillas all braying away at full volume prior to going out to slaughter some unsuspecting mammal, sorry, going out to follow a pre-laid trail. This was too much for Ari who, once again, disgraced himself and needed to be returned to his lair with a severe flea in his ear.

He was caught red pawed having trapped an effete, blonde, boy up against a wall and quoting Socialist doctrine to him with menaces. Sadly the ruling classes still do not realise that entering the Workers Paradise of BC is as dangerous as trying to adjust Kavi's rug whilst he is eating.

"That's production, distribution AND control, isn't it DJ ?" "Yes it is "
Ramah (with an H I have been told) has now been put out with the herd and there was, of course, the usual interest in the newcomer, as this short, but touching film shows;

The soundtrack was supplied by the birdies, and you have to love Carly's wistful look as his new chum is whisked away by Mr "I'll have none of that sort of malarky here " Rooster.