Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Will he ever learn ?

It was bound to happen. Ari has been getting increasingly aggressive with his extreme views. As we saw last time he was berating the Fox Botherers, but yesterday he went too far. The NLND was pinned against the hay bales and threatened with re-education at the Hopton Cangeford Gulag and her alpacas were to be sent to labour in a tractor collective. All because she had changed her hairstyle and had a cute hound. He was frog marched back to his lair and corrective measures have been taken.

                   "Did someone mention Fava beans and Chianti ?"

Yesterday H and I went on a shopping expedition to Cleobury Mortimer, (doomed from the start). We had seen a present for the lovely niece's children. The shop was deserted, we hung around for a few minutes but no one turned up. Disappointed we repaired to the Kings Head for a pint of Hobsons Mild, fully refreshed we went into the sort of hardware shop that only seems to exist in Shropshire, think the Two Ronnies Four Candles sketch, we were waiting in the queue when we overheard the following, (imagine a broad Shropshire accent)
Customer' "Do you have one of them dimmer switches ?"
Proprietor, "We've got one of them that turns on and off "
Customer, "It's almost the same isn't it ? I'll take it"

The lady behind the counter then turned her attention to us , the shop didn't have what we wanted and we mentioned that the shop across the road had no staff in. "Oh that's me, I'm doing them both today" before trotting across the road with us, leaving the hardware store with the door open, and completed the sale of what we wanted. (You'll have to wait until Saturday Lisa). Does this happen in London ?

Finally Kavi, Rooster et al are keeping their hooves crossed tomorrow when Freshie, the least mad Pointer is running in the Hunter Chase at Ludlow.