Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Limping out of Winter

Poor Furrgall has been injured, he has a poorly paw, poor thing. he was limping around the yard mewing piteously as Ari shot around the corner ready for a good chase. Seeing our moggy hopping from paw to paw he juddered to a halt. he looked round, nudged him with his nose, sighed and walked away. "Another avenue of pleasure closed for me" was his comment. Fair do's though, he realised that there was no fun to be had in an easy victory.

                                 Rest and recuperation on the rugs for our poorly pussy.

Carly, our local trip adviser correspondent is extremely keen to ensure that the accommodation for our horses is top notch, although, to be fair, he is keener to ensure that his is the best. Today he went to inspect the other stables.

             "Kavi's home is ok but the haynet is empty. No thanks "

                                     "Rooster's is not to my liking. Pass"

Finally a little bit of Spring arrived today.

                                           Where's my Easter Egg ??