Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Is your goose getting fat ?

The C word, yes it is less than a month until the happy day. I even bought a C Robin decoration today too. I have also been receiving the Christmas lists from the inhabitants of Lowerdown. Rooster's requests are quite simple; his own traffic cone .
A Hi-viz vest would  be nice too and help to complete the ensemble.

Carly , when asked, informed me that he wished his rota of servants to be trebled at least, two are not nearly enough to keep up with his, meagre, demands. There have been times in the middle of the night , he informed me,when he has needed his rug adjusting but there was no one on call to do it and he was forced to wait until the morning . As for whether he wishes to be in the stable or out in the field, well he is allowed to change his mind as often as he likes, can't he ?

                                           I'm not sure if I have enough wrapping paper for all of these.

Rocky is very excited about the new X-box with added hoof controls, he has heard about the new must-have game Grand Theft Pinto and would prefer to play that then roister-doister with the boring field mates.

Kavi is not a great fan of Christmas, although he did make the effort a couple of years ago.

                                                       "Ho Ho flaming Ho"

When pushed he plumped for a never empty haynet, so that his nomming activities would suffer no interruption. I told him that he still had one present choice left and asked what would he like. "Another of those nets" was his answer. Sigh.

Wabb asked for world peace, some Lentil kit-e-kat and the latest Hawkwind album "Cat on the Edge of Time". CF was still in bed and will doubtless let me know his choice when he surfaces

I had a surprise request from Ari, apparently as former Housemate would not countenance it at his home,  and I  too fear that 5 minutes alone with George Osbourne would not be a good idea.(she is happy that George does not know of her existence).

"Alright, just three minutes then "
A couple of years ago I mentioned local "characters" who frequent country pubs, well now that we live closer to the ocean we have visited a couple of hostelries in seaside resorts. Here the yokel's seafaring cousin the salty old sea dog lurks. He generally has a pig-tail which emerges apologetically from his bald head, a fisherman's smock liberally coated with fish scales and his last half dozen meals and a laugh that is 20% chuckle and 80 % phlegm. He has a flat in Hampstead, an agent called Wodney and is quite as dull as the Mummerzet version

No, not that sort of Sea Dog,