Social media is the medium of today, some of you will have accessed these wonderful words via facebook and some will have stumbled upon this from twitter @kavismate . It is always nice to meet people who are followers of the antics here in Devon (and Shropshire beforehand). Although it can be a little worrying that there are some who know more about the lads than the author.
I have tweeted a few pictures and some of my twittermates have taken an interest in Kavi. One, a talented young lady who is studying art, asked if she could paint a portrait of him. In the interests of copyright I asked Kavi if he minded. "Can you eat a portrait ?" was his only question. On receiving an answer in the negative he sighed and said "Whatever". He duly stopped eating for about 2.3 secs while his photo was taken and sent over the ether for her to work off.
"Come on, hurry up, there is a half eaten haynet that needs seeing to"
The proof of the masterpiece was duly sent back recently and very good it was too. I was telling Kavi of his fame when Carly overheard the conversation. He was mortified. "Why does anyone want a picture of that sad-faced old munter ? " He screeched. "I am the lovely one, every one says so, check the profile, check the breeding. It screams Showing Horse. It should have been me me me" Awkward
Rocky also appears to be thriving on the Devonian fodder and appears to have grown in the last 6 weeks and is now probably taller than Kavi, who is 15.3hh. We have tried to stand them upsides so that we can compare but Kavi gets very irritated when Rocky stands near him as he is always being mithered and nibbled and attempts to exact revenge by biting a chunk out of him
"I'm a big lad me"