Sunday, 14 October 2012

Talking bullocks

Rocky has settled down well and has his hooves well and truly under the table now, he has taken on the role of ambassador to the estate. This he pursues with a rather too much fervour. Some bullocks have been put into the field at the bottom of the hill and were getting used to their new surroundings when the grey gamesmaker arrived. He soon had his head over the fence and was nodding his head in an animated fashion at the hapless bovines.

                     "We're all dead dead mad here yeah"

They were looking at each other as if they were lost in a strange place and asked for directions but had mistakenly quizzed the village idiot, he was playing them this to make them feel overawed .

Now you all know DJ, she is a smallish dog as this picture shows.

                                                     Dog, to scale.

                                          Barn door, to scale.

Why, therefore can the small dog not get through this apparently large opening without bumping into the side of the entrance ? It's hardly as if she is travelling so quick that she cannot make the corner, every time there is a dull thud as she collides with the left hand side. Why ?

On Friday H and I went to see the left wing comedian Marcus Brigstocke at the assembly rooms in Ludlow, his ire was aimed at the government and what he felt they were doing wrong. He was very scathing and rather cruel (ho ho).Whoever had booked him to play Ludlow must have hated him. Surely someone should have told him that the sitting MP has been dead for 15 years but still won the last three elections. H and I rolled about laughing....alone. Ooops. People had come all the way from Leominster to be offended