Tremendous excitement this evening at BC. We had just gone to the big field to collect the horses to come for their tea when we could hear a strange roaring noise from across the fields. Looking up there approached a huge, roaring, fire breathing dragon. The horses went ape. Sid had them galloping up and down the field whilst Rooster was in his element, he was doing his best "Don't panic Captain Mainwaring !" impression.
"Growl Roar Snarl"
The only one who was not bothered was the youngest, Rocky, he realised that it was tea time and strolled off to the stables for his tea, (He makes his debut in the dressage arena tomorrow) He will be doing the Walking in a straight line without falling over test.
It's ok it can't see us hiding behind this tree,
Thankfully it died and we were able to bring them safely in, and we didn't even say "Get orf moi laaand" to the worried looking balloonist and his passengers.
Die Dragon Die.
Darcy Dawg and I were sitting watching the racing the other day when he said to me "Why don't you tell me any jokes ?"
I said "Well I'm not sure that you'd understand them "
"Typical anti- hound prejudice, it make me sick " he scoffed
"OK OK, I'll tell you one"
"Good, I'm sitting comfortably" he said.
"Knock Knock"
"There's someone at the door, there's someone at the door"