Saturday, 20 October 2012

Here be Dragons

Tremendous excitement this evening at BC. We had just gone to the big field to collect the horses to come for their tea when we could hear a strange roaring noise from across the fields. Looking up there approached a huge, roaring, fire breathing dragon. The horses went ape. Sid had them galloping up and down the field whilst Rooster was in his element, he was doing his best "Don't panic Captain Mainwaring !" impression.

                                                          "Growl Roar Snarl"

The only one who was not bothered was the youngest, Rocky, he realised that it was tea time and strolled off to the stables for his tea, (He makes his debut in the dressage arena tomorrow) He will be doing the Walking in a straight line without falling over test.

                                           It's ok it can't see us hiding behind this tree,

Thankfully it died and we were able to bring them safely in, and we didn't even say "Get orf moi laaand" to the worried looking balloonist and his passengers.

                                                  Die Dragon Die.

Darcy Dawg and I were sitting watching the racing the other day when he said to me "Why don't you tell me any jokes ?"
I said "Well I'm not sure that you'd understand them "
"Typical anti- hound prejudice, it make me sick " he scoffed
"OK OK, I'll tell you one"
"Good, I'm sitting comfortably" he said.
"Knock Knock"
"There's someone at the door, there's someone at the door"

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Talking bullocks

Rocky has settled down well and has his hooves well and truly under the table now, he has taken on the role of ambassador to the estate. This he pursues with a rather too much fervour. Some bullocks have been put into the field at the bottom of the hill and were getting used to their new surroundings when the grey gamesmaker arrived. He soon had his head over the fence and was nodding his head in an animated fashion at the hapless bovines.

                     "We're all dead dead mad here yeah"

They were looking at each other as if they were lost in a strange place and asked for directions but had mistakenly quizzed the village idiot, he was playing them this to make them feel overawed .

Now you all know DJ, she is a smallish dog as this picture shows.

                                                     Dog, to scale.

                                          Barn door, to scale.

Why, therefore can the small dog not get through this apparently large opening without bumping into the side of the entrance ? It's hardly as if she is travelling so quick that she cannot make the corner, every time there is a dull thud as she collides with the left hand side. Why ?

On Friday H and I went to see the left wing comedian Marcus Brigstocke at the assembly rooms in Ludlow, his ire was aimed at the government and what he felt they were doing wrong. He was very scathing and rather cruel (ho ho).Whoever had booked him to play Ludlow must have hated him. Surely someone should have told him that the sitting MP has been dead for 15 years but still won the last three elections. H and I rolled about laughing....alone. Ooops. People had come all the way from Leominster to be offended

Monday, 8 October 2012

Tailed off on the farm

Countryfile is a very popular programme at Barns Cottage. We especially like watching Adam on his farm spending the licence payers' money on a new rare pig before dashing off to gas some badgers. Sharkey is one of his biggest fans and unbeknown to us she has started  her own farm.

"I demand a subsidy"

Just down the green towards the road is a fenced off part in which a few trees have been planted or so we thought. This evening whilst out with Darcy and DJ surveying the view across the rolling acres to the Fungi decontamination Barn at Haytons Bent (yes that is a real name) and enjoying the fumes from the Stoat Abattoir at Hopton Cangeford we spied our feline chum sitting on a post by this enclosure. She was wearing a pair of gaiters, chewing a piece of straw and complaining about the weather. She could only have become one thing...a Farmer. True enough she was surveying her field of genetically modified mice. She has been conducting experiments and now has huge megamice which she is fattening up for market. DJ was so surprised that she almost forgot where she had hidden the tripe sticks that she had purloined from Housemate's secret stash.

Up and coming trainer has been busy training his charges for the new season and today he entered Darcy Dawg for the 4 o clock at Pontefract. We risked a few Bonios each way but sadly he was tailed off in the last furlong. (He's on the far right)

                                         And he had got rid of jockey.

Back to the magic pin for the next bet.

Does anyone have the foggiest idea what's going on in Mr Bates green jail in Downton ? Nope me neither. The new footman has started the gay or not gay debate here. If he is gay he may be sent to prison (it was illegal in the 1920s) and maybe he could share a cell with Mr Bates and let us know the score.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Earthlings, your time has come.

The incessant rain hasn't stopped H from carrying on her rehabilitation of Rooster as he fights to regain his old ,high level of fitness so that he can resume his (almost) international standard endurance career. It has to be said that at the moment he is not fighting too hard.

 He was frightened by a parked car a couple of days ago and got his pants in a right bunch. (It was causing a parking hazard and emergancy vehicles may not have been able to gain access to the stables apparently.) So he has to have a companion to go with him

                                                   "Wot ? Me ?"

So I dragged the protesting Kavi out of his comfortable barn to partake of the morning air. As usual leaving the yard he did his impression of a French aristocrat being dragged to the scaffold during a particularly busy morning in the midst of the Revolution.

Eventually we all got going and he even stopped sighing after half an hour, (Yes he does sigh). Rooster was well behaved too and we were on the last leg coming back down the Stoke St Milborough Rd which runs alongside the gallops when the telltale thunder of hooves on the other side of the hedge warned of the approach of some of Henry's Hopefuls excersizing.

 Kavi leapt into the air suddenly galvanised by the memory of being a racehorse,it was as much as I could do to stop him jumping the hedge and joining in. He leapt and kicked shaking his head fit to bust and it took a good five minutes before he calmed down, and ten before my trousers dried. Memory is such a wonderful thing, just wait until I see a football match, I'll be on the pitch showing them what to do.

The changing season is a great excuse to renew your wardrobe and DJ has taken to modelling a new coat;

Opinion here at BC is divided, I think she has a touch of the look of Audrey Hepburn in her Breakfast at Tiffanys period, H thinks that she looks like a mangy dog in a football manager's coat and Housemate thinks that she looks like Ming the Merciless.

What do you think ?