Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Swedish Au-Pair

The very words are enough to send shivers down the spine of men of a certain age. I am of that age. Back in the day those words conjured up visions of nubile blonde lasses with a liberal attitude to, well we didn't like to say the word then. When h was out hacking at the weekend she met the people from the Court and their aforementioned help. She was invited up to ride Carly as she had evinced interest in horses.

So this morning, purely by coincidence, when she arrived on the yard Ari and I just happened to be around. Spotting my "mo" stache she said to me "Flurngy urflung a boe". It was only later that I realised her confusion

                                                Swedish Chef


                                                        Shropshire Chef

 To those who have already slung a few bob to the "mo"vement a big Thank You. I have not set up an account for myself so if you just donate anyway then the effect will be the same.