Monday, 14 November 2011

He loves me really

Although he is my mate, it has to be said that Ari is going through an annoying phase at the moment. Not content with savaging visitors to the yard and barking if a bird coughs half a mile away he has now taken  wealth redistribution a little too far. Furrgall and Sharkey are fed in the barn with their bowls put on top of a straw bale as they are outdoor fresh air cats

                                             "Where's me snap gone ?"

We had casually thought that the cats were eating well without becoming too fat, so had wormed them and had even thought that some of their food was being pinched by a visiting moggie. Ari and DJ were out on the yard today for their mooch around and I had been distracted by DJ having a poorly eye , it needed bathing and ointment applied so I was doing my manly vet thing (pus on the jeans is such a good look don't you think ?). After giving her a cuddle , a brave act as she is still not too nice to be near, I went off to the barn to check that the horses were alright for hay, Eees and Whiz. Before my disbelieving eyes there he was.

                                             Caught red pawed.

"Right" I said "You're in the dog house now", probably not the most threatening to say to a dog but he was  firmly escorted back to his lair and put away after being told what a bad dog he was. He stood there with his tail sagging and his head on one side looking sad. I walked away. Within three minutes I was feeling guilty. Was I too harsh? It was only cat food? He only bites most people.

Is this how abusive relationships start