Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Kids, doncha just luvem ?

DJ thought that today was one of the best days ever. The back lady arrived with her daughter at 10 o clock this morning to do a follow up visit on the horses,Ari and Dj were taking their early morning constitutional when she arrived and both were pleased to have a new, young friend. However the PA to the lady of the manor arrived which meant Ari was taken back to his lair, he has previous with her. DJ then had the luxury of half an hour's uninteruppted tummy tickle. Result

The lovely weather allowed H & I to go out for lunch and a stroll in the woods. It was reminiscent of the same time last year when we both went for a hack on Carly and Kavi. We were in a quiet part of the countryside down a little used lane when we came upon a parked car with the window down. Carly strode purposefully over. "Oh no not a dogging situation " I thought as our inquisitive equine thrust his head through the open window with H squeaking " NO Carly". Thankfully the couple were only having a picnic. (That said I thought the sausage looked woefully undercooked)

Anyway on return to the yard I let the hounds out again for another romp when Livery lady arrived with about 6 children in tow. Blinking half term. H is not a great fan of children, and neither is housemate who was also out and about but they were both fairly noble and tight lipped. Ari had to be rounded up again as he has previous with children as well.In fact Ari has previous with nearly everyone so DJ had the kids to herself again and raced around like a puppy enjoying all the attention. H had to be put in her run as well as she was about to savage a boisterous youth who was interfering with Furrgall's enjoyment of his tea.

Having spent a column last month complaining about rubbish service I have to give a big up to the lady in Sainsburys, Hereford who honoured our money off fuel voucher even though it was a day past it's use by date. The tomatoes have also turned red and are being eaten as quicly as the glut will allow. Downton Abbey is becoming more and more hilarious, MisterBates is going to explode if he gets much fatter, still as he is about to be accused of his wife's murder, (Come on you must see that coming) he will shed some pounds on death row. This week's episode ended with the handsome hero getting a slight feling "down below" Lucky him. The pretty sister once again out nobled her plain sibling who is so stupid I'm thinking of proposing to her to get my hands on some of the Grantham's cash The dowager Duchess still hasn't said " A haaandbag" yet but she will soon surely.