Who would have thought that the Devon air could be so rejuvenating ? Kavi was never keen to go out usually having to be dragged from the stable and encouraged to go for even the gentlest of hacks. However now that he is Devonian Horse he could not be keener. He strides down the road with his ears pricked and a spring in his step. we went up onto the moor this week and he couldn't have loved it more, he was hopping from hoof to hoof and was all for disappearing at a rate of knots towards Somerset.
With it being a touch windy today all the horses were a bit flighty and when let out into the field they all went charging around tails in the air bucking and kicking. Normally Kavi has nothing to do with this sort of silly Arab behaviour and soon gets his head down to do some serious nomming. Worryingly they hooned down the field towards the bottom paddock before slamming the brakes on, at least Rocky (I didn't know that you could jump fences) and Rooster (I have had a good look at this jumping malarkey and it looks dangerous to me, where is the warning tape and the cone ?) did. Kavi, however, sailed over the post and rail fence into the virgin paddock in fine style.
"I don't need a little Irishman on my back to make me jump"
On landing he looked rather surprised to be alone, clearly his "Follow me lads" rallying call had fallen on deaf ears. This was a bit worrying for him and he trotted up and down the fence while the others strolled off, perfectly calm now. He was starting to get a bit anxious as I headed towards him with a headcollar to repatriate him with his mates. Then he saw what was beneath his hooves, about half an acre of fresh grass, and he perked up no end. I thought that I was going to have to deploy a crane to get his head up so that we could return to the correct side of the fence.
More excitement on Downton last week as Tom threatened to take his Irish Elm disease to America, shock, gasp, yawn. Maybe he was hoping to be more poplar there, he could get a plane over the ocean I suppose.
Ready for a coat of varnish
I would imagine that if he spruce-ed himself up he could branch out into business by taking a leaf out of Lady Mary's book, although she might twig what was happening. We'd pine for him though.
I'm on all week, try the veal.