Sunday, 29 September 2013

Ooh Arr and other lazy generalisations

"Where the heck are we ?" Said Kavi on Friday  to Rocky his new next door neighbour. "No idea but look at the amount of grass on that field".

Well we've done the deed and re-located to Devon, all the horses travelled well and seem to be settling in on Lowerdown well. Sadly though we had to say Goodbye to Furrgall and Sharkey.

                                                Forever Salopians

Don't worry, the scary stable lass and the Up and Coming Trainer, who are taking on BC, are happy to be protected from rustic dangers by our furry chums.

We do not appear to be cat free though as no sooner had we decamped in Lowerdown than we were adopted by another moggy. More of him next time.

Although H and I are no Spring Chickens we appear to have dropped the average age of our nearest Devon town by about 25 years. On first impression it makes Ludlow seem like South Central LA.

More importantly the new series of Downton started last Sunday. Needless to say we ensconced by the TV nice and early. What a great start and what a bravura performance by Lady Mary as she coped with all the emotions required of her demanding characterisation.

                                                   She was Happy
                                                 She was sad
                                                  Her dog died
                                              She was in the throes of erotic passion

Surely a BAFTA awaits.

 It was good to see Barrow, the footman's, hand has grown back this series, at least he'll stop fiddling with his glove like a low grade Bond Villain. A new character has appeared who appears to be an old friend of Carson the butler, however he has the Historical Drama cough that usually means that he will be lucky to make it to episode 3.

Sorry this is such a brief missive but H is getting tired peddling the generator