Sunday, 29 September 2013

Ooh Arr and other lazy generalisations

"Where the heck are we ?" Said Kavi on Friday  to Rocky his new next door neighbour. "No idea but look at the amount of grass on that field".

Well we've done the deed and re-located to Devon, all the horses travelled well and seem to be settling in on Lowerdown well. Sadly though we had to say Goodbye to Furrgall and Sharkey.

                                                Forever Salopians

Don't worry, the scary stable lass and the Up and Coming Trainer, who are taking on BC, are happy to be protected from rustic dangers by our furry chums.

We do not appear to be cat free though as no sooner had we decamped in Lowerdown than we were adopted by another moggy. More of him next time.

Although H and I are no Spring Chickens we appear to have dropped the average age of our nearest Devon town by about 25 years. On first impression it makes Ludlow seem like South Central LA.

More importantly the new series of Downton started last Sunday. Needless to say we ensconced by the TV nice and early. What a great start and what a bravura performance by Lady Mary as she coped with all the emotions required of her demanding characterisation.

                                                   She was Happy
                                                 She was sad
                                                  Her dog died
                                              She was in the throes of erotic passion

Surely a BAFTA awaits.

 It was good to see Barrow, the footman's, hand has grown back this series, at least he'll stop fiddling with his glove like a low grade Bond Villain. A new character has appeared who appears to be an old friend of Carson the butler, however he has the Historical Drama cough that usually means that he will be lucky to make it to episode 3.

Sorry this is such a brief missive but H is getting tired peddling the generator

Friday, 20 September 2013

Mud and Buckets

Gah, moving house, I hate it, all the upheaval and packing, it can really get to you. At least it does give us a chance to go through the vast amount of "stuff" we have accumulated over the years. There then follow battles between myself and H on what to move with us and what to dispose of. After much heart searching quite a few old books, CDs and various other detritus was put to one side, some of it was thrown out but quite a bit was kept to give to a charity stall.

Obviously in the time honoured way I don't like to talk about my charridde work mate but Kavi suggested that horses in other lands could do with a bit of help. H therefore contacted a nice lady called Jenny from the Brooke Animal Hospital. She duly came round to pick up the items and after chatting to H  was asked if she would like to see our incumbents.

No horses were harmed in the taking of this photograph

What we hadn't allowed for was that it was late on a very rainy day that had turned the fields to a quagmire, all  the horses' rugs were plastered and they had all but finished their haynets. They all did their saddest faces and pathetically sniffed at a lone thistle. Cue, hurried and frankly not convincing explanations.

We have been down in Devon fettling up the fencing and stables at Lowerdown. I have been impressed with what Paul Nicholls has done at his stables, where he puts up a plaque next to each of his horses showing their achievements.

                                                      Pretty Impressive huh ?

So I got to work chronicling our lads' triumphs. Starting with our own ex-racehorse Kavi. I was soon sourcing someone who could inscribe on his board;

Happy Birthday Arnold Crunge Handicap chase (Class 4)
Book your Christmas Party at Worcester Racecourse Handicap Chase (Class 5)

And a couple of others, OK so maybe not the Cheltenham Gold Cup but at his level a decent return

Rooster was next up;

The Jaques Ride 2009 Winner of 40k class (One bucket and brush won)
Exmoor Experience 2011 "Gold" Medal

Scant return it has to be said for  nearly 10 years competing but nonetheless some achievements.

Best Trot up at Ludlow Ride 2004 (A rug, 3 sizes too big)
East Clwyd Riding Club Dressage Competition March 2005 (Prelim 2 Category) A rosette.
Can you hear a barrel being scraped ?

Err, umm, let me see oh yes
Jumping Over a small Stream as if it were the Gateway to Horsey Hell (Worcestershire Division ) 2013

                                          Such Grace, such style

It may be a couple of weeks before I can send the next post, much will depend on whether Electricity has yet been discovered in Devon.

Friday, 13 September 2013

Cooking doesn't get any tougher than this

Food plays an important part in most of our lives right ? As far as  horses are concerned, it can be the highlight of their day, and the difficulty is stopping them gorging themselves. Green and plush fields are often looked at as the solution and will suffice to answer all  the dietary needs  but imagine, if you will, a shop full of pies and cake set out for you in which to eat your fill. Some people are very restrained and will just eat until they have had enough. Others (hem hem) would need to be dragged away. Fat horses like people, do not do well and can be prone to diseases which can have a highly deleterious effect on their health.

Feeding time is certainly the highlight of Kavi's day, Rocky is a keen trencherhorse too.  Carly tends to be a picky and Rooster will only eat something if he has read the packet, googled the ingredients and checked his ongoing dietary spreadsheet to ensure that there is nothing in there that may disagree with his delicate, athlete's body (a bit like me then )

 The best way to get Carly to eat and therefore have enough energy to annoy all the other horses is to put his food in another horse's bucket in another stable, for some reason this makes what he would normally turn his snout up into to something exceedingly nommable and  he gets stuck in very happily.

                                                                  "That looks tasty"

H , unsurprisingly, takes a great interest in our equine chums' diet and is constantly getting her head together with her old friend Mad Forage Woman and searching for some new supplement to help their feet, tummies or any other part of the anatomy that they feel needs assistance. Or, on the rare occasions that the horses are competing, to make them go quicker or for longer in a way that would bring a gleam to Sheikh Mo's eyes. (our lawyers have looked at this and passed it as ok, but don't tell the desert potentate just in case he has better lawyers)

 These potions are added to their feeds as and when decreed necessary. This week she has purchased another wonder additive, a suspicious looking white powder in my view, and added it to Kavi's breakfast this morning. We sat back waiting for him to be rejuvenated. His review of the change to his fodder is worthy of AA Gill at his most trenchant. 

                                          "  Stop messing with me snap, woman"

Friday, 6 September 2013


As anyone who has moved house knows, it can be a stressful time. But apart from organising removal men, council tax etc  it can be a great time to declutter. Kavi and I were banished to the hayloft to sort out and bag up all the horse rugs, all 52 of them !!!

Now we only have 4 horses so how come they have a wardrobe of which H would be jealous ? Well, whatever the reason, me and my doleful chum were going to pare the number down considerably, you see if we don't. We started off with the winter rugs, I suppose that it is fair enough to have one of those. no one wants to stand outside in the cold and a nice thick rug is a good idea (times 8 ) 8 ? Everyone has to have a spare apparently.

"I have to keep moving or my hooves will freeze"
Well that's one season sorted. Kavi then reminded me that it can be quite chilly in Spring too (another 8)
                                      " I could just handle an oaty lunch to warm me through"

Anyway once Summer arrives then rugs can be dispensed with surely. "Flies " he said gnomishly, "Flies ?" "Yes flies, nasty irritating, stingy ba**ds, you've been riding me when the rascals bite haven't you ? You know how sensitive we are ." Mmm I suppose so

                                             "Yes, that is a sheep, What of it ?"

Well we are now up to 24, but that must be the end. Good Lord No. It is very important that one looks smart when being inspected by friends and family. 8 more, in assorted colours.

                                    "Not every horse can carry red off with such aplomb"

Rooster then piped up from his comfy bed that each and every equine must have some leisure and lounging wear especially when recuperating from injury, as stated in Horse Health and Safety Bulletin 17/2003 paragraph 9 (b)  iii

                                                         "I am a resting superstar"

Are you keeping count ? No I'm losing track (and the will to live) as well. "Rainsheets" interjected  Rocky, at least 8 more in assorted colours to add to the total.

                                             Gok Furrgall goes over to check for fitting.

 Oh yes, stable rugs, cooler rugs, rug shaped rugs, turn out rugs, New Zealand rugs (Light AND heavy weight). Best get down to the Tack Shop and extend my credit lines.