A final shot of the late lamented.
Well quite a few things have changed in the last eight months; Housemate is now The artist formerly known as Housemate (Tafkah) and has relocated. She has been joined by Darcey and Ari both of whom send their regards but have now been written out of the new series.
"I still hate virtually everybody"
Still wowing the babes in Wales
Anyway Carly, Rooster, Rocky and our eponymous hero still remain here in Shropshire, although not for long as part of Devon has become our Anschluss target and things are starting to get frantic as we try to sort out all our gear to re-locate
Most have summered well except Rooster, who was in the process of returning to the endurance world when struck down by injury again.
"Ref Ref, Get the Physio on"
He was turned out again today and celebrated by holding an impromptu Roll Call and rewriting four Risk Assessments.
I hope you have all been watching the White Queen on the Beeb, it's been great. For those who haven't it's been a cross between Game of Thrones and Eastenders, For those who watch neither that means, naked ladies, violence and lots of arguing abaht "famerlee". For hose of us who delight in pointless dialogue there has been plenty of joy as characters are frequently telling other characters things that they must surely know. Eg "I talk of your brother Richard, Duke of York who is married to Anne daughter of Warwick the Kingmaker".
This week the plot got serious, you could tell it was serious as all the main characters adopted ferocious whispers, leaving Mrs K and I looking quizzically at each other "What did she say ?" "Turn the volume up"
Next time, the Ovine invasion.