Just when you think summer is over it starts again. Anyway just a quick update on all here at BC. Rooster has passed about six medicals, renewed his insurance and is gently finding his way around the roads. Kavi is over his poorly tummy and is back to his normal, doleful and grumpy self.
DJ's diet and exercise regime is working well and she is only half the hound she used to be romping around the yard with a spring in her step. She spent some of the summer researching her family tree and has discovered her German foredoggers and now wishes to be called Untersturmfuhrer Helga or some such.
"Which way to the Sudetenland"
Had she used ancestrees.org.uk she may have had different results.
Sadly the scamp that is Ari has not learned his lesson over the summer and still chases people before "muzzling" them on the ankle. Nuzzling is a nice word, muzzling is altogether more unpleasant. I should never have let him buy a brindle (a canine kindle). The first book he got was A Game of Thrones and he has modelled himself on the direwolves and has become a savage direscottie.
A conversation with one of his recent victims went something like;
Victim: He just muzzled my leg
Me: Yes, sorry about that, but you went a bit close to him.
Victim: But he looked so friendly, he was wagging his tail.
Me Ah yes
Victim. But dogs only wag their tails when they are doing something they enjoy.
Me. Mmm, well he does enjoy biting people.
Wag Wag, Little boy mwah hah hah
Housemate was given a book on wild herbs and flowers and has been wondering around the fields at dead of night looking to pick Woundwort or Vervain or Vipers Buglos purportedly to aid the health of the inmates here, by the way, has anyone seen the broom ?
Moonlight over Middleton