Friday, 22 June 2012

News from the wards

Whilst Rooster has carried on with his rehabilitation stoically Carly has been extremely put out by all the attention the ginge has been recieving. He has been a remarkably good boy recently acting as Nanny to a young horse over Caynham way and being Rocky's chum and playmate.

     "If you reach over reeeeaaaalllly slowly you can bite their bum before they notice"

He was intrigued to see the vet, H and Housemate huddled over what looked like a Television screen while Rooster stood in the corner of the stable. As a rule vets only come to see him. His history of ligamental and tendon weakness has meant in the past that vets and therapists have always made their way to his stable. When they arrive he does a good line in standing and looking brave while they examine him. He had one particular favourite vet in Wales that he saw so often that they almost became an item.

The vet was very good with him because ,as Carly gained confidence that he was not going to be hurt, he started to have fun with him. He would gently remove the vet's hat or his spectacles when he was otherwise occupied. This sort of behaviour might have been looked back on with fondness apart from when the vet sent a locum, who happened to be a pretty young lady. While she was bent over examining his off fore he quietly leaned back and nudged her bottom, he quickly whipped his head back round so that when the vet looked behind her all she could see was me holding his head. Her look told me that my stammered protestations of innocence were not believed.


The highlight of Rooster's day now is his 20 minutes on the horse walker. In an attempt to make it exciting he has taken to head butting the paddles and then standing still until the one behind hits his rump when he then leaps forward tossing his head. Kavi just plods round sighing at all the fuss.