Some sensible cheeses that anyone would be happy to have in a cheeseboard, ok maybe not the Parmesan
Last week after having eaten a fine meal and knocked back a decent bottle of Prosecco, oh yes we live the life you know, we were asked what dessert we would like. Being in Somerset, the home of cheddar and Somerset Brie, we decided to go with the local cheeses selection. The above mentioned were fine then we turned out attention to the red one with tiny black specks in it.
"AAAAArrrrgghhh," the waitress was called over."WTF is this "we enquired
"Oh yes it's a great favourite here, it's called Red Devil, it has chilli in it"
Why oh why do people have to try to improve cheese by putting things in it ? If I wanted to eat chilli I would have asked for it. Leave cheese alone.
Another thing that was noticeable in the pubs in Somerset was the presence, in every public bar, usually supping the local, opaque, cider, of a local "character". We didn't notice it at first, but as each time we went to the bar, a ruddy faced, yokel with a stained plaid shirt was holding forth to the locals, holidaymakers and second homers. There surely can't be that many colourful characters we thought until we caught one who was clearly on his break. He was chatting into a mobile phone.
"Hello, it's Torquil here" he piped
"How's the weather in Primrose Hill ?" lisped our rude mechanical
"Look you are supposed to be a top agent" he continued "When you promised me a summer season in Exford I thought I would be giving the punters my Mercutio or perhaps a Noel Coward juve lead but no, all I'm doing is talking Mummersetshire about the weather, sheep and spouting casual racism"
Mystery solved.