Wednesday, 25 April 2012

He's a very handsome boy

Our new boy, Rocky, came home yesterday

                                         A typically, well framed and colourful picture by H

He came from West Wales and has been more than a little disappointed by the continuation of the heavy rain that he thought he had left behind. When a new horse joins the herd there is often a certain amount of excitement and jockeying for position in the pecking order. This usually takes the form of Rooster being bossy and generally vile to the unfortunate newbie. Thankfully Rocky,as you might guess from his name, can look after himself and an uneasy stand off is the current position.

He may have expected a bit of banter from the other horses but what he won't have expected is being bitch-slapped by a moggie.

                                         Sharkey strides over to introduce herself.

He and Sid were just getting acquainted when our killer kitty marched over, he put his head down to say Hello and was soundly slapped on the snout, he leapt in the air and skittered off around the field. About ten minutes later she was taking in the evening sun sat on the fence when he came back over to sort things out and make friends but, No, another left paw on the snot box left him in no doubt of the contempt in which he is held by our feline killing machine.

Talking of her regrettable tendencies to annihilate the wildlife , the returning swallows have made this years' nests in the rafters above Ari and DJ's lair. Clever thinking birdies.

You have possibly noticed the adverts appearing at the bottom of the posts. The thinking behind this is that every time someone clicks on an add to view it I get paid £100. (I may have got the decimal point in the wrong place there). However in April you have all studiously ignored my get rich quick scheme. I know some of the ads are for meeting "Mature Women for Fun...and more" (Or is that just mine ?). But I don't want to have to keep Darcy short of Bonios now do I ? You have been warned.