Shopping is one of those boring but necessary tasks that everyone does. Today H and I were in a well known supermarket not far from home when we were almost pushed out of the way by a party of schoolchildren who were clearly on an educational visit to the store. It reminded me of the time that the same sort of scheme was rolled out to horses. needless to say our equines were near the front of the queue. it did not go well though;
Kavi got through the door and made a beeline for the vegetables and put his head down to have a good feed. Neither security or the manager could move him until he had eaten his fill ( a long time). Rooster, having donned the jacket given to visitors, signed the register, examined the risk assesment and listened intently to the safety brief ,walked slowly round examining the bollards and Fire Exit signs.
"Safety notices...check. Signs stating the bleedin' obvious.. check"
Carly and Ptracci walked interestedly round the shop pausing to nudge the displays with their noses until they fell over and then running away,and gently pushing the staff in an attempt to be given free samples of Polos. When these were not forthcoming they disgraced themselves on the floor.
Cue hasty exit