This arrived yesterday to her delight.
She is now planning her hot tub party, she will invite all her friends and they would lounge about in the summer evenings drinking Martini and eating canapes.
However there is always someone waiting to spoil the party.
"Where are the babes and the bonios ?"
A difficult moral problem is that of death. On Thursday H saw a rat running across the yard. Now some might say that rats have as much right to live as any other, "cuter" animal. But there are issues of disease to think of and Furrgall was called in to do his duty. This was achieved by the following morning, we are rat free again.
It will be time to stop soon as the Household have outvoted me and Birdsong is due to be watched. Wasn't last week's episode awful ? Within ten minutes I was sick of looking at Eddie Redmayne's stupid bovine face staring into middle distance. He does a lot of staring does Eddie, he stares at walls and he stares at his French paramour. However when he finally got to consumate his desires with what may delicately described as a tree trembler he stared at her elbow. He stared at the mines he was sent down, probably because they were so clean, well lit and spacious. He was having a right good stare when he was pronounced dead, probably by the useless doctor from Downton Abbey, sadly he came round and now we will have to endure episode two.